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Help Center Crisis and Intervention Hotline

Presenter: Taliah Hodges, Public Health Science, Global Public Health Scholars


University of Maryland’s Help Center is a Peer Crisis and Intervention Hotline that provides free and confidential help and support to the UMD community. The organization is student- run and seeks new trainees every semester to add to the resourceful organization. My practicum at the Help Center involves me training to help callers deal with conflicts that may be causing them trouble or if they just want to rant, no matter the cause. We complete two to four semesters of training to help callers generate solutions to things such as transitioning troubles, intimate and non intimate relationship issues, suicidal thoughts, and other dilemmas. There is no issue too big or too small, and we are always ready to listen. We are very mindful of the help we offer, and conscious of every single word we say as we are aware that in tough situations, every little thing matters and plays a role. As a member of Help Center, I am provided with the opportunity to attend numerous workshops, such as those revolving around diversity, which allow me to become a better trainee and apply what I learn to the help I can give in the future.


4 commentaires

Emily Duong
Emily Duong
06 mai 2021

The project piqued my interest because although I’ve heard about the various facilities on campus I’ve never had any personal experiences. It was also interesting to learn about what the volunteers do there. Are there certain times of the year or holidays when there are more callers?


Dhara Patel
Dhara Patel
05 mai 2021

This is a really interesting project! How will you apply what you have learned working for this hotline to your future public health goals?


Sophie Ledet
Sophie Ledet
04 mai 2021

What is an experience that impacted you while working with the hotline that you can share or something you took away from your experiences in general?


Alekhya Errapothu
Alekhya Errapothu
01 mai 2021

Hello Taliah, I really liked reading through your practicum project, as I didn’t know much about UMD’s Help Center Crisis and Intervention Hotline it was really interesting to learn more about what they do and how they impact the community. As you mentioned in your future aspirations section that you hope to spread awareness and reduce mental health disparities, I was just wondering how you plan to do this? Additionally, as you mentioned that you had to go through training with UMD’s Help Center, what kind of training did you have to undergo and how do you think it impacted you?


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