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Understanding Child Language Fluency Disorders Through Research

Presenter: Rebecca Rollman, Hearing and Speech Sciences, Global Public Health Scholars


For my practicum project I am working in the Language Fluency Lab in the Hearing and Speech Sciences Department. I started the training over winter break and now I am beginning to start the work. Because of COVID, some of the testing cannot happen, but my main project is to work on transcribing videos and editing transcripts of children with fluency disorders like stuttering or late speakers. There are bi-weekly lab meetings that I attend in addition to the transcribing. I think that this relates to global health because it says a lot about a child and their speaking patterns when identifying when they stutter the most and what specific words they stutter on. That is what I will be identifying as I start to work with more transcripts and turn that into my practicum project. It is very interesting to me too learn about the triggers and see how this can help child speech pathologists and influence other research in the future.

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