Promoting Educational Equity
Advocacy and Research Fellow at the Fund for Global HEalth
Nutrition is a Right!
Researching Alternative Mechanisms to Reduce Chronic Pain
A Multifaceted Approach to Community Based Aid & Resource Distribution
Understanding COVID - 19 Perceptions in Tanzania
Engaging Volunteers: Supporting the American Red Cross
Promoting Healthy Lifestyles Among College Students Nationwide
Participant Recruitment for the CRIPT study with the PHAB lab
A Wider Circle: Ending Poverty in the DC & MD Area
Non-Profit Development of Public Health Beyond Borders
Red Cross: Combatting the Blood Supply Shortage
Public Health Beyond Borders and Intervention Evaluations
Martha's Table: Combating Food Insecurity in Washington D.C.
Developing MRI Techniques to Ensure Fetal Brain Health
Summer REU Program in the Dr. Catherine Kuo Lab
MaryPIRG Public Health Research Internship
Global Dental Brigades: Giving out free dental care to underprivileged communities in Panama
Tanzania COVID-19
Exercise for Brain Health: Fighting Alzheimer's Through Exercise
Documentation and Health Funding
Emergency Department Drug Surveillance (EDDS) Program
Reading Partners Connects Program
Patient Care Volunteering at Adventist Healthcare White Oak Medical Center (WOMC)